
We have arrived in Japan. Actually I've been here a whole day. David and I went fishing today, it was quite enjoyable, even though we didn't catch any fish. His sister Kai drove us around and we at an awesome lunch at the lake, and tonight we are going to some friend's house for dinner...David's friends that is. I guess she's an amazing cook, so we'll see.
After the lake we went shopping at a grocery store, that i've named Surreal-Mart. It was pretty awesome, a grocery store organized to the last grain of rice, fruit matched by none in quality, perfection..and price! A watermelon is nearly 14 US dollars, but you'd be hard pressed to find it's equal in the states. I've never been in a more bright, happy store....light pinks, greens, blues, little happy teddy bear icons on every package....and some lovely music playing lightly in the background. And then after checking out, we were given little bags, walked over to the little baggin station where we bagged our perfect little groceries into perfect little bags and then walked outside to the prefect little parking lot with all the tiny little cars parked in their tiny little parking places. haha, that's why I called it surreal-mart. Good times!
So, yeah, Japan is pretty fun so far, more to come later :)