long time no blog
well, as two of my lovely blog readers have pointed out to me, yes I have not blogged in a while. Life got busy for me and boring for blogging since all I was doing was working on getting photos edited, organized and made into slideshows for the DVD project. In fact, between the 21st and 27th I didn't even take any photos to speak of; how crazy is that! But lucky for you, I've had an exciting weekend! So, now I can blog without boring you.
Let's see here, I'll start with Friday, since I went to another whaling adventure. This time around was not an "event" like that last one, so it was just me there as a photographer, no school groups, groups from the old folks home, or anything. Just a few people watching and me takin over visually. They started a little before 6, which stinks since I got there at 6, but oh well. Considering I've been getting up closer to 9 or 10 recently, I thought that I did pretty good getting there when I did. It was a beautiful day, foggy, but the sun split through a few times and made me very happy.

Saturday was uneventful, but today, Sunday I went to church this morning. I haven't been since I got here, but finally was informed of a church and I had time to go, so i went. It was a very traditional Anglican church in Japanese, but it was still nice to be at church, either way. It was pretty small which was good since they asked me to stand up and introduce myself and stuff! There is a doctor that goes there with his wife, he speaks English, so he translated for me a bit.

So, I guess that's it for the blog tonight. I have one week left in Japan, so I'll try to blog at least one or two more times. Thanks for reading...and to the faithful blog readers that complained after a week with no blog...you guys are great! Oh yeah, and I'm sayin it here..GO ITALY, WIN THE WORLD CUP! Ciao-
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