rockabilly, sumo and rain
Wow, I wanted to write this blog so badly last night but this here blog thingy would not let me! So, I will try and renew my passion for the stories that I wanted to tell last night tonight in Kyoto. After spending Sunday-Tuesday in Tokyo I stayed in Kamogawa last night and then left at 7am for Tokyo again where we met with the producer and drove 5 or so hours to Kyoto where we are shooting tomorrow. It's pretty exciting because we are shooting at an over 400 year old temple, it's beautiful!
Okay, so Sunday! We went to Tokyo where we met up with David's sister and some of her friends and we went to a Jamaica festival in the rain. It was actually really fun desptie the rain.

Then we finally made it to the Jamaica festival where we enjoyed some amazing tunes such as "I shot the SheLiff", and "Stand up for your Lights". The band was actually rather good. The rest of the fesitval was just random stands selling way over priced shirts and food. So we left and met some of Kai's other friends for dinner which was also very fun. That evening we stayed with Jessie from Scotland. I haven't met a whole lot of Scottish people but she's the best one ever! What a lovely human she is. She has a tiny studio apartment in Tokyo where she let the 4 of us stay...along with her so 5 all together. We had such a good time joking around, laughing about pretty much everything, expecially "Jobbies". If you don't know what that means.....well I'm not gonna tell ya, ask someone from England.
The next day instead of going back with David I stayed with kai and we cruized around Tokyo until Diane (mom) arrived and we went around visiting some of their old friends.

Oh yeah, and I saw a sumo wrestler on the train Tuesday! He was soooooo big! The photo is not great nor does it really portray his true size, but I'm putting here anyway cause I have to! Tribute to my first real sumo experience!

Anyway, I'm running out of steam for this here I'm in Kyoto! Talk to you all later!
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