a very American day....and tulips?

So, today was quite American, starting out with a trip to Costco to buy some food! Then to an outlet sorta mall, then to the theatre to see The Davinci Code and ending at the Outback Steakhouse for a bacon cheeseburger. Yeah....so Japense, eh! haha, it was so fun though, we had a great time for sure! Costco was quite the same as back in the states...except it was two stories with food one on story and "things" on the other floor. And the theatre was beautiful. The japanese movie going experience is a tad more extreme than the Amercian one....with tickets being a tad more expensive and buying assigned seating, which is pretty cool. Since we got there early, before the costco trip, we were able to buy the perfect seats and then come back like 10 minutes in advance and have perfect seats..pretty sweet.
Davinci Code....wow what a movie! It hasn't quite processed in my head yet so maybe I should write much...but it was filmed so well! The acting was excellent and the story....well it was a STORY for sure! A story that has the Christian church in a wonderful place. I've heard a few different things about churches holding special discussions about the story and how to "combat" it, or something like that. To the Christians reading this....do we really need to defend Jesus? Just a thought....
Anyway, it's been a very long day....so I'm pretty tired. you guys are great.....I'm assuming that you are since you're reading this you must be a friend.....and my friends are great! Thanks guys/gals!!
You went to Japan for the Da Vinci Code, Outback Steakhouse, Costco, and McDonalds!!??! When they purely exist and were devloped here/!?!?! WHO ARE YOU?!?!! x_x**** Why don't you go to a 50 cent concert while you're at it! :P talk to ya later?? MUAH bye!
amazing friends for an amazing guy!
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