location scouting

Yesterday we went location scouting for some of the music videos that we'll be shooting in Kamogawa, the town that David lives in. We went to three temples, the beach, around the city a bit, out to eat, it was fun. The day was quite cloudy, so that light stunk, and there were NO people at the temples, it was really weird. I'm gonna have to go back there to get some decent photos some time when there is decent light and people around. I kinda figured..temple = monks, but they weren't any! At least there was a cool bamboo forest that produced an interesting photo.
Today in Kamogawa it's been drizzling since I woke up, which kinda put a damper on my desire to go wander around the area and take some photos of our neighbors. I guess this is the most boring blog write ever....but I thought that I should probably write something on here since it's been a few days. But it's been good to have some downtime to get over jet lag and just enjoy the country that I'm in! I think we'll go to Tokyo tomorrow or the next day so I'm looking forward to seeing the big city and lots of new stuff. Should be fun! Oh, I think we're gonna go get some soba....noodle lunch!
Yeah, this may be a boring blog, but you were talking to me when you wrote it and that's what's important. :)
I love the photo! How are things? Praying for you, brother!
you signed off! so i guess this is the next best thing, but i absolutely LOVE!!! the back! the foreground picture is like shadowy which i connected with the frog and the john kaizan neptune font shadow. and the red plays a nice accent color since it complements the red at the bottom with the crossed out dvds/ cds (?). like it gives the elegance of tradition but is yet set off my your "modern quirkyness". you know that i <3 your work and that it's inspirational! talk to ya later bud! MUAH bye! :P
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