Well, I'm blogging, at this point the planned blog in my head is boring and would most likely bore you to death. So, I'm going to attempt to spice it up and conjure up some good stories...of stuff that actually happened, don't worry! Just stuff that's not currently in my head to blog about, you get the picture! It's of David looking at the monitor while the "actors" do a scene for the music video of "Kamogawa". That was Saturday, "Day 1" of the shoot. You probably recognize the set from the last blog about the Japanese ranch.....yeah, same place. The crew that came to work on the video thought that it was the most amazing place.
The crew was so fun! There were...lets see...1,2,3,4,5,6,7....there were 7 of them. All of them fairly experienced in the film world, so David had a great time learning some stuff from them, as well as directing them. Even though they were all more experienced than he is, they were so quick to do whatever he wanted even if they knew a better way to do it. Pretty awesome. Me, I just wandered around taking photos of anything and everything they did.....over 1000 of them in two days. Here is another one of them.

This is Natsuko (Nachan as a nickname); she's been written about in this blog before, but she's the main actress in the film. She's never acted before and she's doing an amazing job! oh Yeah, the crew....we had a great time trying to communicate through body language and their few english words and my even fewer Japanese words. But we managed to laugh a lot and I even learned some new stuff! Like "hena nijongene"; which is a great response to "Baka Gaijin"....because it means 'You're a weird japanese person'. As a point of clarification a japanese person would NEVER EVER call a foreigner stupid; only if you're good friends and they are joking around. This culture is waaaay too polite for that.
Anway, it was a great weekend, lots of fun, lots of locations (I think there were like 5 around the city) and lots of photos.....like 1000. Seriously...over a thousand actually. OH yeah, a funny story! So, Saturday night we went out to a fried fish place....the fish was AMAZING!!!!!! We were sitting there at our table and this drunk girl came in (probably around 25) and stops at our table, saluted us and said, (in very loud terrible english) "goooood morning". David and his cousin Amelia and I just started laughing soooo hard! It was the most hilarious thing ever. She said a few other things throughout the night that were pretty funny, but I won't go into them. Alright.....it's Monday.....another week in Japan to come!
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Sounds like you're having an amaing time and taking a lot of photos! How many of those 1,000 are good ones? ;) Hopefully more than less! Thinking of you and praying for you!
don't you mean..... "gooooooowwwd morwringgggg!!"!?!?!?! (tehehe i can do that cause i'm asian!!) :P <3 ya MUAH! byee!
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