Spent the day in Tokyo today. We had a meeting with the man that's funding this whole DVD project, so it was great for me to finally meet him. He's a great guy named Goto San. We took a copy of the videos that David has finished so far and the two slideshows that I've put together and showed them to him and a few of the people at his office. They liked them very much and, from what I could tell, were very impressed. It's encouraging to hear that someone that wasn't involved directly in the (wow, there is a giant bug crawling on my screen right now) making of the videos likes them and was actually impressed. Especiallly for my slideshows, after making them and looking at them a million times they seemed so normal to me, but the guys at the office thought the photos were awesome. So, yay for that!
After the meeting David and I walked around Tokyo a bit. We dropped into a gallery of photos by one of their friends that does pinhole camera photography. (http://www.edophoto.com/) He has some really great stuff. It is all done with a pinhole camera which makes it even more impressive in my opinion. After the gallery we went to eat at a hamburger steak place, YUMMY food and lots of it for under ¥1000 ($10), which is pretty amazing for Japan, especially for Tokyo. The rest of the afternoon/evening we just wondered the streets looking at shops and cute girls..of which there were way too many today! I could seriously go for a Japanese girl...if only I could communicate a bit better! Oh well, we'll see....
I guess that's it for now
queria que la criticaras....(la foto q mande)...
hey nate, great day for you ! you have let 2 weeks before you go so, try harder with japanese girls, acuerdate de las frases para ligar: que bonitos ojos tienes jajaja .. cuidate mucho, me dio mucho gusto hablar contigo !! Saludos desde Monterrey. Nuevo Leon México ! =)
oh oh oh!!!y tienes q poner fotos de tus novias japonesas!! ;)
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